October 3, 2014 in Events
The IUNCBD network participates to this Conference, marking the final year of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD: 2005-2014). This Stakeholders Meeting is regarded as one of the major stakeholder meetings to be held prior to the UNESCO World Conference on ESD (10-12 November). The conference reflects on the successes and challenges the RCE movement has faced, with a view to charting a post-2014 agenda in reference to the Global Action Programme on ESD. The major objective of the Conference is to identify a tangible commitment of the RCE community to effective ESD implementation beyond 2014. Input and recommendations based on the discussions will be shared at the UNESCO World Conference on ESD. This will be a great opportunity to bring together a wide variety of stakeholders – from cities, communities, governments, the private sector, international organizations, and academia – to share experiences and expertise as well as to discuss and launch activities that reinforce the fundamental role that education plays in achieving a sustainable future worldwide. IUNCBD representatives will actively attend the Conference, bringing the standpoint of the network members to the debates on the achievements, challenges and opportunities of the Regional Centres of Excellence mobilised to deliver education for sustainable development (ESD)