CBD-PAHO-WHO Regional Workshop on the Inter-Linkages between Human Health and Biodiversity in the Americas, Manaus (Brazil), 4/6 September 2012

March 28, 2013 in Events

Manaus2-2012-046 The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), regional office of the World Health organization (WHO) organized a regional workshop for the Americas on the Inter-linkages between Biodiversity and Human Health, which was held from 4 to 6 September 2012 in Manaus, Brazil.This workshop provided a forum for representatives from Ministries of Health and Ministries of the Environment, and other experts from the health and biodiversity sectors, in the Americas to:

  1. discuss the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, in particular as it relates to health issues;
  2. discuss regional best practices in terms of incorporating biodiversity and health considerations in national and regional biodiversity conservation and health programmes;
  3.  identify possible joint activities to achieve health and biodiversity co-benefits for consideration in national biodiversity strategies and action plans, and in national health strategies;
  4. strengthen capacity and identify further capacity needs for the implementation of the Strategic Plan; and
  5. promote transboundary/regional cooperation and support networks on health and biodiversity issues and strategies.

In total 52 participants from 25 countries from South America, Central America, the Caribbean and North America gathered for the workshop in Manaus, Brazil.

The participants of the workshop suggested the following activities:

  1. To continue collaboration between Convention on Biological Diversity and the World Health Organization to develop joint activities that will encourage inter-sectoral communication and support the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets;
  2. To incorporate the relationships between human health and biodiversity in the updating of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and national health strategies as a means for fulfilling the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020;
  3. To update, publish and distribute widely the draft discussion paper sent to participants in preparation for the regional workshop on the inter-linkages between biodiversity and health;
  4. To strengthen collaboration between the Convention on Biological Diversity and international bodies that deal with food and food security, given their important links with health and biodiversity;
  5. To include the role of communities, particularly indigenous and local community women as managers, protectors and transmitters of traditional knowledge, on health and food security;
  6. To emphasize the issues of health and traditional knowledge in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity, taking into account the objectives of the Convention, Article 8(j), Article 10(c), Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources and Distribution of Benefits, Akwé: Kon voluntary guidelines, Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity, as appropriate;
  7. To carry out national and regional workshops like this one, as well as national workshops, with all relevant stakeholders, including indigenous and local communities, for the continuing promotion of information exchange and collaboration on key issues relevant to biodiversity and health;
  8. To share national and regional experiences that support the development of linkages between biodiversity and health through the exchange of information with the aim of developing a regional observatory to facilitate networking and decision-making;
  9. To strengthen epidemiological surveillance systems that also consider ecological and biodiversity indicators;
  10. To create and/or strengthen surveillance systems that include indicators to measure the benefit of biodiversity protection and conservation relating to the control of communicable and non-communicable diseases through water, soil, air, and/or food;
  11. To encourage communication and intersectoral collaboration in this area, especially between Ministries of Health and Ministries of Environment and other key stakeholders;
  12. To develop communication tools and culturally appropriate information to share experiences and practices in health and biodiversity which can be assessed, disseminated and implemented;
  13. To incorporate the issue of indigenous and traditional health taking into account stakeholders from indigenous and local communities;
  14. To recognize traditional knowledge, among other valid systems of knowledge, for information on biodiversity and health.
  15. To promote the exchange of information, knowledge and experiences among countries to develop integrated tools of territorial planning and the management of hydrological basins;
  16. To include health and biodiversity variables in environmental impact assessments;

To promote the characterization of ecological risk zones for zoonotic diseases transmitted by vectors and invasive species.

Background Paper Download Area:

  1. “Background Paper for the Regional Workshop on the Inter-Linkages between Human Health and Biodiversity in the Americas”, CBD (English)
  2. Documento antecedentes para el Taller Regional sobre Interrelaciones entre la Salud Humana Biodiversidad en las Américas”, CBD (Español)

Presentations Download Area:

  1. “Water security, health and biodiversity”, Buss D. F., FIOCRUZ/Brasil (English)
  2. “Taller Regional de las Interrelación de la Biodiversidad y la Salud Humana”, Larrandaburu M., Ministerio de Salud Pública del Uruguay (Español)
  3. “Seguridad Alimentaria y Conocimiento Tradicional”, de Corque M., Choque Quispe M. E., Red de Mujeres Indígenas sobre Biodiversidad (Español)
  4. “Suelo, Aire y Enfermedades no Infecciosas”, Riojas H., INSP, Mexico, CENTRO COLABORADOR Ops/oms (Español)
  5. “Health, Biodiversity and the Future we Want”, Corvalan C., Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (English)
  6. “Biodiversidad de Reservorios y Vectores de Zoonosis Emergentes de Importancia en Salud Pública”, Sánchez-Cordero V., Instituto de Biología, UNAM (Español)
  7. “Interrelación Biodiversidad y Salud Humana – Perspectivas en el Perú”, Galarza Silva M.V.G., Representante de DIGESA- Ministerio de Salud, Comisión Nacional de Diversidad Biológica – CONADIB, Presidido por el Ministerio del Ambiente (Español)
  8. “Biodiversidad, Salud y Pueblos Indígenas”, Terán Maigua Y., (Español)
  9. “Bolivia Pluricultural” (Español)
  10. “Cuban Archipelago: Biodiversity”, Zequeira M.F., Institute of Ecology and Systematic (IES), Environmental Agency (AMA), Ministery of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) (Español)
  11. “Taller sobre las Interrelaciones entre Biodiversidad y Salud Humana”, Moreno R., Instituto de Investigación de  Recursos Biológicos “Alexander von Humboldt” – Colombia (Español)
  12. “Taller Regional sobre interrelaciones entre la Salud Humana y Biodiversidad en las Américas”, Dra. Daisy Corrales Ministra de Salud, Costarica (Español)
  13. “Taller Regional sobre la Interrelación entre la Salud Humana y la Biodiversidad en las Américas”, Mateo Féliz J.M.,  República Dominicana (Español)
  14. “Taller Regional sobre Interrelaciones entre la Salud Humana y Biodiversidad en las Américas”, Vargas M., Ministerio de Salud – Ecuador (Español)
  15. “Dirección General de Biodiversidad”, Honduras, (Español)
  16. “Seguimiento del Taller de Biodiversidad y Salud Estrategia de la Red Internacional Universitaria sobre Diversidad Cultural y Biológica”, Sánchez L., Bozzi P., International University Network on Cultural and Biological Diversity (IUNCBD), Universidad San Buenaventura (Español)
  17. Deep Forest – Local Conservation, Glogal Health”, EcoHealth Alliance (English)
  18. “Land use change, Biodiversity and Infectious Diseases”, Jonathan Patz, Professor & Director Global Health Institute,  University of Wisconsin–Madison (English)
  19. “Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica”, Sánchez Otero F., Coordinador Programa Sistema de Vigilancia en Salud Ambiental para la Región Amazónica,  OTCA-BID (Español)
  20. “Taller regional sobre las Interrelaciones entre la Salud Humana y la Diversidad Biológica en las Américas”,  Aber A. (Español)
  21. “Iniciativas  Productivas Locales  y Tecnologías Sociales como Estrategias de Implementación de la Política Nacional de Plantas Medicinales y Fitoterápicos”, Carvalho Costa J., Ministéro da Saúde, Brazil, Fiocruz (Español)