Bodies of the IUNCBD Network The beating hearth of the IUNCBD is the Coordination Scientific Platform, that plays a role of think tank, and shares the opportunities jointly promoted by, and offered to, partner universities and organizations, as well as selected individuals – academicians, students, experts, policy makers. Three Units of the IUNCBD Coordination Scientific Platform have been established: Scientific Committee, International Coordination Research Group, International Students Coordination Unit By its very nature, the IUNCBD Network is ruled by its members, who can establish all sorts of agreements on specific activities, with the aim to reach a better integration between education, capacity building, research, policy implementation processes and local management. The members contribute to the network based on wholehearted scientific educational interest, and communality of views on the noble mission of this initiative, and its voluntary networking functioning.
International Scientific Committee (IUNCBD-ISC) – Members:
Prof. Senka Barudanovic - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
- Faculty of Natural Science, University of Sarajevo
- Vice-Chair of the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
- Chair, 15th and 16th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity
- Expert Biodiversity, Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prof. Tewolde B. G. Egziabher – Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
- Advisor to the Minister of Environmental Protection and Forest of Ethiopia
- Former Director-General, Environmental Protection Agency of Ethiopia
Prof. Johnson Ekpere – Ibadan (Nigeria)
- University of Ibadan
- Former Executive Secretary, Organization of African Unity (now African Union, AU), Scientific Technical and Research Commission (OAU/STRC)
Prof. W.R. Erdelen – Bonn (Germany)
- Former Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- Initiator of the BION Network
Prof. Dr. Nay Htun – New York (USA)
- Stony Brook State University, New York
- Former Assistant United Nations Secretary General of UNDP and UNEP
Prof Terezya Luoga Huvisa – Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
- Member of the Parliament of Tanzania
- Former Minister of Environment of Tanzania
Prof Odipo Osano – Eldoret (Kenya)
- School of Environmental Studies, University of Eldoret, Kenya
- Former Dean of the School of Environmental Studies, Moi University, Kenya
- (IUNCBD Representative) Lead Author of the Regional Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services for Africa – Expert Group of the Intergovernmental Science/Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services (IPBES)
Prof. Alfred Apau Oteng Yeboah – Accra (Ghana)
- Department of Botany, University of Ghana
- Vice-Chair of the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES
- Chair, 9th and 10th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity
- Deputy Director, General Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana
Programme of the IUNCBD Network The Programme of the IUNCBD Coordination Research Group will be designed with the aim to:
- identify and systematize scientific and policy-management priorities and relevant thematic areas
- provide guidance and tools for stakeholders and the scientific community, in particular partner universities and organizations
- facilitate the development of academic initiatives that each university partner will decide to design and establish for the achievement of the objectives of the IUNCBD Network
- disseminate, highlight, and add values to, the research activities of each member of the IUNCBD Research Group, including relevant researches, projects, thesis, field experiences in process or already developed
In defining the IUNCBD Coordination Research Programme the field of studies of each Research Group member is considered in order to create a linkage with current policy priorities and assign the specific thematic area in accordance with appropriate individual or project expertise and interest. Outcomes of the IUNCBD Research Group can be presented to the high IUNCBD body – the Scientific Committee. The final outcomes will be presented at international level. Each study/thesis/scientific outcome will remain an individual end product of the author/s since the IUNCBD Network activities follow academic and scientific procedures. The research activities or other scientific outcomes will benefit of the inclusion in the IUNCBD Coordination Research Programme that will provide innovative policy/management perspectives on the base of the advanced on-going debate, as well as international scientific interactions and in-puts and advices from the IUNCBD Coordination Units. Functioning of the IUNCBD Network IUNCBD operates: (1) on three interconnected levels with:
- each university partner, promoting/facilitating/coordinating the establishment of academic – teaching/research/outreach – activities and providing assistance to their development
- International Conventions/Organizations, analysing/disseminating policy agendas and programmes of work, and promoting their implementation
civil society and national governmental organizations, promoting/facilitating/coordinating the meeting among stakeholders and universities, and the development of joint initiatives or synergies with multiplier effect for policy makers/managers, civil society organizations, academia
(2) with two modalities:
- initiatives promoted by the IUNCBD Network, and designed with, and developed by, each partner university and organization on the base of their own local needs, expectations, visions and planning
- activities directly developed by the IUNCBD Coordination Scientific Platform through its three scientific units